Sunday, August 10, 2008

Still in Christchurch....

Bought my plane ticket to head back to auckland today, and i leave at 11:00 tomorrow morning.

I had a great day today, spent a lot of time(the whole day) with a friend from atlanta. Went to two markets, played frisbee, walked through the botanical gardens (kind of), saw a movie (smart people), got lost, then went out to eat at Mickey D's, and sat around and talked at a great bar. Overall, good day, albeit a bit cold at times.

I said goodbye to the Irish couple this morning. Then I said goodbye to my friends from Atlanta, and I just said goodbye to the English couple. It's a weird day as I am so sad to see all of them go, yet excited because I've met these really great people that I can go visit whenever I want.

Anyways, I really need some rest, so I will, hopefully, update one more time before I leave for home, then update with pictures once I get there!

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